
Showing posts from May, 2020


Battling a pandemic means changing how we live, the way we think and where we go. The setbacks that have been experienced by society have also simultaneously laid the foundation for a new beginning. With the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, we are faced with making a number of permanent adjustments in our lives. Maintaining hygiene, looking after our environment and finding ways to manage social distancing protocols have emerged as new priorities that set the stage for extensive reforms, especially with respect to travel and tourism. In the coming days, as a result of personal or professional needs, many of us will need to venture out of the safety of our homes. The use of public transport will be minimized or avoided if possible and sanitized facilities and boutique hotels that cater to minimal contact will be favoured. The new protocol leads our instincts to find seclusion, to sidestep social interaction and surround ourselves with the freshness of the natural environment


An element of responsibility invariably accompanies the advantage of a home in paradise . Keeping this in mind, it is our prerogative to facilitate a harmonious union with nature. This post highlights a few of the measures that we take to support the ideal of green architecture : Use of Fly-ash Bricks A by-product from the thermal industry, i.e., fly-ash is used to make bricks that are both, stronger and lighter. Using these to build our luxury homes in Goa does not only help to recycle industrial by-products but also due to its thermal insulation properties, it helps to maintain the temperature inside the house. Use of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) These are light-weight blocks constituted using a derivative of fly-ash. AAC is an approved eco-friendly building material that comes from non-toxic ingredients and a result, the waste material does not pollute the environment. Terrazzo Flooring By upcycling leftover chips from glass and stone industries, many loc


Architecture is essentially the creative use of contrived space to cater to the fundamentals of functionality and aesthetics. As a result, architectural expertise is usually demonstrated with respect to enclosed spaces. The natural environment that surrounds the body of architecture is what comprises the 'open space'. At Vianaar , we pay keen attention to maintaining a fine balance between open and enclosed spaces. Bearing in mind that open spaces are intrinsic features of modern architecture , we use them skillfully to enhance appeal and add charm to our homes. Besides providing an offset to the structure, abundance of open space also helps preserve the fundamental interaction between man and nature. It inspires activity, propagates positivity and motivates one to stay healthy and fit. The added benefits of open space, i.e. light and ventilation are both imperative in establishing a healthy and positive environment . Based on this philosophy, we aspire to set up homes w